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An Updated Sweeper Testing Process is More Than Overdue

by Ranger Kidwell-Ross, editor

Franklin2 History tells us that sweeping was first started by Benjamin Franklin during his residence in London, England. When the cobblestone streets were dry, few people took the initiative to sweep up the dust, so it just built up. Eventually, when it rained, Franklin saw that the streets turned into an impassable, muddy mess, decided to do something about it. Sweeping of streets was born.

As time went on, sweeping the streets of 'road apples' from the horse-and-buggy days became increasingly important, especially as the health issues it posed became better understood. The impetus I had for starting the first magazine for sweeping in the early 1990s, American Sweeper, was my realization that public works directors/sweeping managers around the U.S. appeared to be pretending that horse poop was still the major debris they were tackling, not detritus from clutch plates, brake linings and from tire wear. At the same time, in those days prognosticators predicted that clean water would replace petroleum as the most problematic issue in coming decades. They were right: that time is now.

Now, 30+ years later, the industry faces a number of serious water-related issues: ChatGPT, perhaps the most well-known artificial intelligence program, estimates that a probable three million gallons of perfectly good water becomes polluted and dumped in the U.S. every day via usage in sweeper dust suppression systems. Some recent data has also shown that the efficiency of a street sweeper to perform small-micron debris pickup – including tire particles and other microplastics that are becoming so very important environmentally – is reduced when a sweeper uses water for dust suppression.

The only testing process in place currently is from the so called "PM-10 Certified" test conducted now decades ago by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). That test has zero validity anymore since there is no mechanism in place for re-testing; manufacturers at the time found a way to get every make and model ever tested certified; and, it is only pass/fail and so there is no ranking of various make/model capabilities available to sweeper purchasers.

The recent study conducted by the City of Los Angeles found the Elgin Broom Bear it tested only removed @35% of the 'dirt simulant' used for the test; by contrast, Elgin's RegenX, a regenerative air machine, picked up in the 75% range. BTW, readers may recall that the studies in Florida and Minnesota found that sweepers were up to five times more cost-effective than any other method of picking up a pound of Nitrogen or Phosphorus, two of the most critical runoff pollutants. That was so even though neither of the testing agencies had enough industry experience to realize the value of separating the findings of broom sweepers from the results of the air sweepers.

Without needed data, way too many municipalities don't realize how compromised their stormwater runoff pollution programs are when they use current mechanical broom sweeper technology for sweeping city streets and other jurisdictions. They have no way of knowing how much better job an air sweeper would do with the average 20% of small-micron debris on a street that, for reasons of physics, may well contain up to 60% of the entire pollutant load. And, after that, how do the current crop of regenerative air and vacuum sweepers compare with each other in whatever the most important categories are to a particular jurisdiction's environment?

The point is, it's time to develop a sweeper testing process that 'hits all the bases.' With the intent of furthering that process, in our next issue we will have a Zoomcast dialogue between myself and Seth Brown, PE, PhD and Executive Director of the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA). We will be discussing the needs of the stormwater community and how NMSA or an affiliate might be the ideal hosting agency for the development of a new national sweeper testing program. I envision this being done with input from the sweeper manufacturing community along with other invested industry players.

Such a comprehensive sweeper testing process – combined with updating sweeper-day vehicle removal via the technology I'll be discussing in my National Stormwater Awareness Week seminar this coming Friday – is the only way U.S. stormwater professionals can realistically determine what sweepers to buy and how often to sweep. Given the very positive data so far, that combined process will have the eventual result of increasing the use of street sweeping as a pollutant control method by a very significant amount.

As always, if you have questions and/or any news of potential interest to the power sweeping community, please let us know. Between this publication, the WorldSweeper.com website, and the World Sweeping Association, we'll be sure to get the information passed along to interested readers.

Good Sweeping,
Ranger Signature
Editor, WorldSweeper.com
Executive Director, World Sweeping Association
Member, PAVEMENT Hall of Fame

PS If you're a contractor I urge you to check out the many benefits of membership in the World Sweeping Association. Also, if you haven't 'liked' our WorldSweeper Facebook page, what are you waiting for? That's where we offer a variety of industry previews and updates on an ongoing basis.

September Newsletter Contents
(Scroll down to read stories or click on links below.)

  1. Stormwater Awareness Week Features Three Sweeper-related Seminars
  2. Walmart and Auditec: Trouble for Parking Area Sweeping Contractors
  3. Swedish Study on Sweeping Targets Micro Particle Pollution
  4. Current Overview of Electric Sweepers in the U.S.
  5. The Sweepers of Savusavu

Reminder: Stormwater Awareness Week Features Three Sweeper-Related Seminars

Stormwater Week Logo

A reminder: This week's Stormwater Awareness event will feature a new seminar on street sweeping best practices co-presented by WorldSweeper's Editor and a leading sweeper expert, Roger Sutherland. There will also be presentations by two other noted sweeping/stormwater organizations.

If you're involved with street sweeping, you'll want to learn how – if it is done with high efficiency debris and pollutant removal in mind – street sweeping has the ability to transform stormwater management capabilities for the better. Learn how a municipal sweeping program can best be run to maximize benefit to your community as well as ways to minimize the disruption to citizens affected by vehicle removal programs. And, as a preview to what you'll learn, when it comes to making a difference in runoff pollutant removal it appears that the most important factors are that air sweepers are used and vehicles are removed prior to sweeping.

Check out and sign up for the three street sweeping seminars for 2024 that will be held back-to-back on September 27th.

Walmart and Auditec: Trouble for Parking Area Sweeping Contractors


Since September of last year, the World Sweeping Association has been assisting its members with dealing with Auditec, an auditing firm hired by Walmart to go through its sweeping contractor accounts. Walmart managers have several days in which to decline payments if a contractor hasn't complied with all of the – somewhat onerous – requirements when sweeping for the company.

However, Auditec has notified contractors about what it considers 'payment mistakes' and has created chargebacks that have reportedly been as high as $90,000 and have gone back as far as three years from the date of notice. Due to the widespread problem this has created for its members, WSA is taking the tack of providing information to the greater sweeping contractor community about the issue. Use the links below if you want to know more about what has been occurring, as well as to access WSA's recommendations on how to 'push back' on the charges and/or stop them from occurring in the first place.

See the introductory info pdf from September of 2023. Read the pdf that provides followup information that was provided to WSA members in March of this year. Finally, read the pdf file that provides mitigation ideas when a notice from Auditec is received.

Swedish Study on Sweeping Targets Micro Particle Pollution

Gothenburg Logo

Gothenburg is the 2nd largest city in Sweden, after the capital, Stockholm, and the 5th largest city in the Nordic countries. It has about 1.1 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area.

The study on street sweeping the City conducted emphasized the amount of pollutants retained in the water used for dust suppression while sweeping and discussed the importance of properly disposing of it.

Take a look at the article and the study itself.

Current Overview of Electric Sweepers in the U.S.


Electric-powered sweepers are starting to make inroads into the marketplace. Most are currently mechanical broom models, supposedly due to the extra power demands of the fan operation on vacuum and regenerative air sweepers.

Increasingly, states and cities are making commitments to move to electric (EV) fleets by a certain date in the future. As a result – and combined with government incentives toward the purchase of electric vehicles – EV sweepers are being specified with greater frequency.

Our initial article covers four cities that have specified and use an all-electric sweeper. In addition, we list the makes and models of EV sweepers available in the US that we're aware of. The plan is to keep the article updated as time goes on.

Read about the current EV sweeper situation in the US.

The Sweepers of Savusavu

Fiji Story Pic

As part of WorldSweeper's commitment to reporting on how sweeping is done around the world we bring you this story about how using women to sweep the streets of Savusavu, Fiji, the city has become cleaner throughout as well as more pleasing for visiting tourists.

This latest article about how sweeping is done in Fiji is just one that covers how sweeping is accomplished in many of the countries around the world. The addition of Fiji to our International Sweeping Section brings the total number of countries WorldSweeper has covered to 31.

Check out the story on the lady sweepers of Savusavu.

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